
How do infusions improve digestion after the meal?

Heartburn, gas, heaviness, pain, abdominal swelling… They are common disorders after copious meals. Find out what plant infusions you can drink after dessert to feel lighter.

Eating in a hurry and choosing forceful and elaborate proposals is usually behind poor digestion, which can cause us to feel heavy and bloated after eating. 

But these are not the only symptoms of heavy digestion. Knowing them can help you discover what causes digestive discomfort, which will help you choose the most appropriate infusion to relieve them.

Bloating and gas. It signifies that you eat too fast and/or very flatulent foods.

Punctures in the belly. In most cases, they usually appear due to nerves but also to ingesting stimulants such as coffee, tea…

Stomach acidity. It responds to excess secretion of gastric juices. It affects more people who are very stressed or who take anti-inflammatory drugs. The situation worsens if you eat fast or consume alcohol, spicy or fatty meats.

Reflux. The juices go up into the oesophagus because the valve to the stomach does not close properly. It is a problem that intensifies if you go to bed right after eating or overeat.

Bitter regurgitation. If it seems to you that a secretion with a bitter taste rises from your stomach, as in the previous case, it may be caused by the juices coming from the stomach, although, sometimes, together with these, there may also be bile, a substance that helps to digest fats and proteins.


In addition to the tisanes that we recommend below, you can also choose the following depending on your discomfort:

  • Some lighten the heaviness if you eat a lot. Mint and thyme are very effective (in addition to the already recommended chamomile and peppermint). Take them warm and sip them; otherwise, they distend the stomach.
  • Others help relieve swelling. If you suffer from slow digestion and accumulate gas, angelica, clove or anise tisane before or after eating will reduce you.
  • The following reduce stomach pain and cramps. Cinnamon infusions are very effective in relieving these disorders.


If you feel bloated after a few days of heavy meals, probiotics (beneficial bacteria) can help.

  • Probiotics help balance the intestinal flora, preventing the excessive proliferation of harmful bacteria responsible for bad breath, intestinal infections, bloating and abdominal discomfort.
  • Some beneficial ones are Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. Reuters, L. rhamnosus, bifidobacteria. They are present in foods such as yoghurt and can also be taken in powder form, vials or capsules (ask for professional advice beforehand).

Gentian to help gastric juices

The bitter components of its rhizome stimulate gastric juices’ secretion and help increase bile production, which is essential when processing food. It is especially indicated to combat slow and heavy digestions after a binge or a heavy meal.

  • It is prepared in decoction. Cook 1 level tablespoon of the plant per glass of water. Let it sit, covered, for 10 minutes, and filter.

However, remember that gentian is not recommended in case of gastritis or peptic ulcer. If in doubt, consult your doctor if it suits you or not to take it.

Lemon balm to calm cramps

With digestive sedative, antispasmodic, and antimicrobial virtues, lemon balm leaves improve the disorders of dyspepsia (which causes slow digestion and indigestion).

You can take it as an infusion and avoid it if you suffer from thyroid disorders during pregnancy and lactation. 

Fennel against gases

This plant is a good tonic for digestion (increases gastrointestinal secretions), carminative ( reduces gas production ), intestinal soothing (relieves colic), and stimulates natural bowel movements. 

Artichoke for slow digestion

Increases the expulsion and fluidity of bile, facilitating the breakdown of fats. That is why it is ideal for treating slow digestion that causes heaviness, abdominal distension and flatulence. Its leaves are prepared in decoction.

Avoid taking it if you suffer from gallstones in pregnancy and lactation.

Chamomile to combat heaviness

It is one of the most digestive plants, helps prevent gas from accumulating in the stomach and relieves abdominal heaviness. In addition, its mild and pleasant flavour is ideal to end any meal.

It is also effective against nerves and to combat insomnia. 

Herb Luisa, when there is pain.

This plant, taken as an infusion, is considered a stomach tonic and prevents gastrointestinal spasms, effectively improving slow digestion. It also has a carminative effect, which helps prevent flatulence. Its lemony and fresh flavour makes it very delicious.

It is also beneficial to combat stress and anxiety, leading to overeating.

Boldo for the digestion of fats

It prevents stomach heaviness, protects the liver and stimulates the gallbladder. It also facilitates the digestion of fats and prevents the formation of gallstones.

Boldo also has a diuretic effect, so it helps you eliminate liquids and purge your body of toxins.

Ginger against reflux

This plant is stimulating, anti-inflammatory and improves loss of appetite and nausea. It also neutralises excess gastric acids, just as it helps treat digestive disorders caused by insufficient production of gastric acids. Prepare it in a decoction of a piece of rhizome about one finger thick per glass.

It is unsuitable if you suffer from gastritis or have a gastroduodenal ulcer in an active period.