
Hand Overuse May Cause A Well-Known Disease!

Often, observations are made regarding the use of hands, especially the wrists. This seems very normal, but in the long run, it can become a dangerous disease. This is definitely shocking and something to pay attention to in earlier stages.

Several individuals use their wrists and wrist movements for a longer time, such as weightlifters, workers in a factory, kneading dough, bending the wrist for a longer time, etc. Such kind of individuals can get carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a disease where the fascia overlaps nerve (พังผืด ทับ เส้น ประสาท, which is the term in Thai) and causes issues soon.

How Do You Interpret The Term Fascia?

The term fascia is usually the thin covering of connecting tissues that surrounds and keeps everything in place. It provides internal structure to the organs, blood vessels, bone, nerve fibers and muscles by keeping them together.  

Fascia overlaps nerve, which is equally sensitive as our skin. To know it better, it tightens itself when a person is going through a stressful situation.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Also popularly known as herniated nerve, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by using hands frequently in a specific manner. Due to excessive wrist movements or stiffness usage, the ligaments that pass in the wrist tunnel or carpal tunnel swell up. This pushes the nerves to compression with the fascia causing various symptoms later on.  

Symptoms And Causes For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Various nerves’ indications or signals help us understand their exact issue. These symptoms are a clear carpal tunnel situation where the fascia overlaps the nerve and causes issues later.

The various symptoms that indicate the occurrence of carpal are:

  • Painful sensations in the hands, wrists, fingers, thumb, index, and middle finger
  • A feeling of soreness or numbness like a tingling feeling
  • Your hand feels as if it has been struck by an electric shock
  • Weakness in hands, making it difficult to lift or pick things. Things may slip easily due to a lack of grip
  • Unable to clench or tighten the fist


These symptoms are usually experienced by people with such disorders in the early morning or late at night. It is easier to treat in its earlier stages but worsens with time. 

The symptoms are visible frequently, making it difficult to cure. It is crucial to get it diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may lead to permanent damages making it difficult in the long run.