9 Tips on How to Add Wholesale to Shopify

9 Tips on How to Add Wholesale to Shopify

Are you a wholesale supplier or a manufacturer looking to expand your e-commerce business? Shopify offers excellent features for you to count a wholesale section on your site, allowing you to sell to other businesses at a discounted price. Whether you’re just starting or have been in the industry for a while, it’s important to know the best practices to implement when adding a wholesale section to your Shopify store.

This blog post will compile a list of tips on how to add wholesale to the Shopify store. These tips will help make the process as smooth as possible, and we hope you’ll find them helpful in growing your business.

Tips on How to Add Wholesale to Shopify

1. Set Up a Minimum Order Quantity

To ensure the profitability of your wholesale business, it’s essential to set a minimum order quantity. It will help prevent loss from shipping and handling costs with small orders. Set a minimum order quantity that makes sense for your business and ensures that you’re making a profit on each order.

2. Create Customer Groups

Shopify has a feature that allows you to create customer groups. By creating a separate customer group for wholesale customers, you can offer them different pricing and products than regular retail customers. This way, your wholesale customers can access your wholesale page with a different username and password, and your prices will be hidden from the public.

3. Use Exclusive Discount Codes

Create exclusive discount codes for your wholesale customers to encourage them to purchase more from your store. You can also offer tiered discounts for larger orders. It will incentivize wholesale customers to place larger orders to receive a larger discount.

4. Provide Wholesale-Specific Information

When designing your wholesale page, make sure to provide all the necessary information that your wholesale customers will need. It includes minimum order quantities, pricing, and shipping information. Your pricing should be listed, and you can even consider a separate PDF price sheet.

5. Make Wholesale Order Management Easy

Another important tip on how to add wholesale to the Shopify store is that Shopify has an Order Management feature that you can customize to track wholesale orders separately. It helps to easily manage and track orders from your wholesale customers. You can also consider adding wholesale-specific notes to your orders to keep track of things like minimum orders, discounts, and more.

6. Offer Free Shipping on Large Orders

Wholesale customers may be more likely to place larger orders if they know they can receive free shipping for orders over a certain amount. Consider offering free shipping for orders over a specified amount to encourage customers to place larger orders. It can be an excellent way to increase your average order value and improve profitability.

7. Find a Wholesale App

Shopify offers many wholesale apps to help streamline your wholesale business. These apps can help you set up different pricing tiers, set minimum order quantities, and manage wholesale orders easily. Find a wholesale app that works with your business and integrates well with your Shopify store.

8. Offer Custom Pricing

Offering custom pricing to your wholesale customers can be an excellent way to establish long-term relationships and increase customer loyalty. By offering custom prices based on order volume, you can ensure that your wholesale customers are getting the best deal for their business.

9. Establish a Return Policy

Establishing a return policy for your wholesale business is crucial. Make sure to outline your return policy on your website and include it in the packaging of your wholesale orders. It helps establish trust with your wholesale customers and ensures they understand your return policy before placing their orders.


In conclusion, adding wholesale to your Shopify store can be an excellent way to expand your business and increase your profits. By following the above tips on how to add wholesale to your Shopify store, you can set up your wholesale business for success, establish long-term relationships with your customers, and grow your revenue. Remember to make it easy for your customers to order, offer them exclusive discounts, and provide them with all the information they need to place their orders. With a little effort and attention to detail, you can succeed in your wholesale business on Shopify!