
Five Common Causes of Accidents

A car is a road vehicle, usually with four wheels and an internal combustion engine. It is transportation means that enables an individual to go from one place to another and may also carry other species and materials. That is why there are many benefits to owning a personal vehicle nowadays, most especially with all the busy people too much occupied with achieving their life aspirations. 

Having a car will make life easier for an individual. It will be quicker for them to get to work or an emergency, and they can spend more time on other things. It is also more convenient than using public transportation, which can disrupt one’s schedule. Additionally, owning a vehicle enables a person to avoid stressful situations caused by busy roads. 

These advantages are the freedom that allows a person to pursue their passions, and they will have more time to enjoy your life.

Despite these advantages, possessing a car is a significant responsibility. A car is a personal space and can take an individual anywhere. It gives them a sense of freedom to explore new places and enjoy privacy and flexibility through having their personal space. That is why it requires a sense of accountability.

Want to know the reason why?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that at least 1.35 million people are killed and involved in road accidents every year. Around 3,700 people die in road accidents involving cars, buses, and trucks every day. These numbers show that being on the road can pose a severe threat to any person’s life.

Its statistics increased after even car window tinting in Oakland, CA became prevalent for too many tinted vehicles are mainly the causes of these mishaps.

With this in mind, it is significant to know the common causes of a car collision for it will become your guide to be well-disciplined while on the road.

Thus, here is an infographic below created and designed by the well-known window tinting Oakland, CA, company KEPLER Window Films and Coatings, as they highlight all the five common causes of accidents on the road:

5 Causes of Car Accidents [Infographic]